Uji pengetahuan Anda tentang tata bahasa Inggris dengan kuis Present Perfect Tense online yang menyenangkan ini:
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Kuis Present Perfect Tense

Kuis Present Perfect Tense

Semoga kuis ini menghibur sambil membantu Anda memahami konsep “Present Perfect Tense ” dalam Bahasa Inggris

1 / 6

The company __________ substantial growth over the last few years.

2 / 6

He __________ in this field for over two decades.

3 / 6

We __________ the project, and the results are outstanding.

4 / 6

She __________ many books by that author.

5 / 6

She __________ a significant impact on the community through her philanthropic work.

6 / 6

We __________ this restaurant several times before, and it’s always a great experience.

Your score is

The average score is 66%

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Kuis RAMAH SELULER yang menyenangkan untuk menguji dan mengembangkan pemahaman Anda tentang Present Perfect Tense. Selamat menikmati!


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