Kuis DO vs DID vs DOES
Uji pengetahuan Anda tentang tata bahasa Inggris dengan kuis DO vs DID vs DOES online yang menyenangkan ini:
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Kuis DO vs DID vs DOES

Kuis DO vs DID vs DOES

Semoga kuis ini menghibur sambil membantu Anda memahami konsep “DO vs DID vs DOES ” dalam Bahasa Inggris

1 / 10

___ we need to call her?

2 / 10

They ___ not believe in ghosts.

3 / 10

___ she always eat breakfast?

4 / 10

___ you see him at the party last night?

5 / 10

___ they complete the assignment on time last week?

6 / 10

___ she have any siblings?

7 / 10

___ he always arrive late?

8 / 10

He ___ not like to talk about his past.

9 / 10

___ you finish your homework before going out last night?

10 / 10

___ you know where she lives?

Your score is

The average score is 87%

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